Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Stick War: Legacy Apk v2022.1.30 Mod Money/Point

 Stick War: Legacy Apk v2022.1.30 Mod Money/Point logo

New version of application : Stick War: Legacy Apk v2022.1.30 Mod Money/Point ApkFor Android - Download. This app has been published to the Google Play Store and made available everywhere, download the apk app for free .

Developer : unknown Type : apk .
This program is compatible with all devices .

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The Description

New app release : Stick War: Legacy Apk v2022.1.30 Mod Money/Point Apk for Android - Download :

Stick War: Legacy

Stick War: Legacy Apk v2022.1.30 Mod Money/Point Money Android strategy Games From apkdlmod One of the most popular and highest rated web games of all time now comes to mobile!

Play the game Stick War, one of the biggest, most fun, challenging and addicting stick figure games. Control your army in formations or play each unit, you have total control of every stickman. Build units, mine gold, learn the way of the Sword, Spear, Archer, Mage, and even Giant. Destroy the enemy statue, and capture all Territories.

In a world called Inamorta, you’re surrounded by discriminate nations devoted to their individual nations technology and struggle for dominance. Each nation has developed its own unique way to defend and attack. Proud of their unique craft they have become obsessed to the point of worship, turning weapons to religion. Each believe that their way of life is the only way, and are dedicated to teaching their polices to all other nations through what there leaders claim as divine intervention, or as you will know it… war.

The others are known as: “Archidons” the way of the archer, “Swordwrath” the way of the sword, “Magikill” the way of the mage, and “Speartons” the way of the Spear.

You are the leader of the nation called “Order”, your way is of peace and knowledge, your people do not worship their weapons as gods. This makes you a mark for infiltration by the surrounding nations. Your only chance to defend is to attack first, and obtain the technology’s from each nation along the way.

Stick War: Legacy
Stick War: Legacy
Stick War: Legacy
Stick War: Legacy
Stick War: Legacy
Stick War: Legacy

Unlimited Gems
You can spend gems even when there is no amount


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The post Stick War: Legacy Apk v2022.1.30 Mod Money/Point first appeared on ApkDlMod. •.download apk android for windows .

Download apk app for Android free

Download app to: Google Play: Click here:

Download application directly: APK: From: APK: Click here:

Download the application directly: APK: From the site: uptodown: Click here:

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This program is available in theWpostI disk in a newer version. getthe full version now

Thank you for downloading .


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